
Thai Style Tuna Salad

 Thai Style Tuna Salad Satisfy Saturday saw this Thai style Tuna Salad show up. It was either late for Fishy Friday or early, depending on your point of view.   This photo has me exploring some of the lighting/composing suggestions  I received.  Still growth to be achieved! #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood

Food Photography

 Food Photography Food photography, recipe development and product utilization are interests of mine.  Recently, I was privileged to receive some constructive criticism and suggestions from a Chef.  He was kind enough to reach out on his own volition.  Thank you Chef!  I am trying to incorporate some of his suggestions in my photos.   Since many of the photos I take are of our actual meals, it can complicate things. 😀  Still, there is room for growth.   The photo below, actually required three different sessions.  The first session (dinner time), I forgot that I made some changes to the settings of the camera and absolutely no photos were usable.  Thankfully there were some leftovers that I could use the next day. After the leftovers spent the night in the refrigerator, I pulled them out and remade the plate from the previous evening.  The second session yielded some nice photos.  But, I was not happy with the angles.  After the session, I broke down the plate and put everything back
  Tasso   As I play catch up, this photo of tasso showed. Normally tasso is made from Pork Butt. We like it pretty lean, so this is made from pork loin.    Highly seasoned and smoked tasso is traditionally used as a seasoning meat. We like to snack on it. This recipe came from Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Leslie Bartosh
 Food Photography and Lighting A Chef, I know, was kind enough to offer some professional advice on lighting for food photographs. The following photo is my first attempt at utilizing his suggestions. A step in the right direction I think.  Amazing how nice a Ritz cracker and peanut butter sandwich can look!    Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Leslie Bartosh
 New York Style Everything Bagels New York style Everything Bagels are one of the breads we bake.   We like the texture and flavor.     Even after making this bread for some years, I still get a kick out of making a bread that is boiled before it is baked! Quite the transformation! Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Leslie Bartosh
  Curing:   EQ Curing When I started this blog, I referenced EQ curing in my first post.   Many of you may not know what EQ curing means.   EQ curing stands for Equilibrium curing.   EQ curing is used to cure meats.   It is based on the ideas that we can control the salt/sodium level in a cured meat product and the fact that salt is one of the few items that can penetrate the interior of a flesh-based protein item.   We control the amount of salt in the item by calculating the amount of all cure ingredients, based on the weight of the meat.   Ham, and bacon, are two examples of cured meat items that this type of curing is applicable too.   So why cure meats?   In the beginning, curing was done to extend the shelf life of meat items.   In essence to keep it safe for consumption.   Mechanical refrigeration was not widespread until the 1920’s.   Prior to this, we kept food safe through the use of cellars, ice and snow.   And in the early frontier days, in the USA, houses were buil
 Smoked Chicken Thigh Confit A couple of months ago Daniel Vaughn, the BBQ editor for Texas Monthly, published a recipe of smoked chicken thigh confit.  When I saw the recipe, it went to the head of the short list of "must try soon."  It is really quite delightful. Smoked chicken thigh confit, on white beans with tomato, with potatoes fried in the confit oil.  The potatoes were started in cold fat and had a shatteringly crisp exterior. The smoked chicken thigh confit recipe has become a favorite with us.   Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Leslie Bartosh