Braised Steel Head Trout Puttanesca Style
Normally when we think about braised dishes, we are thinking about ingredients that need a long slow cooking process with moisture. Like a pot roast, as an example. But, naturally tender items like a chicken breast or a piece of fish can also be braised successfully. The cooking process is still same: sear the item and then finish cooking it in a flavored liquid or in this case sauce. This dish came out a brainstorming session a week ago. It is the 2 nd of dishes to come out of that session. I have at least one more similar dish in mind. They are all influenced by a Middle Eastern fish dish, that I used to make in class. Normally the term Puttanesca refers to a pasta dish. It does not have pieces of fish in it. This dish is attributed to the Naples, Italy. Naples is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea. So, the idea of using the sauce to braise a piece of fish seemed to be a good match. Bra...