Pesce alla Marinara su Orzo
Pesce alla Marinara su Orzo Many cultures have dishes that revolve around some kind of seafood being cooked in a tomato sauce. Sometimes the dishes are stews, sometimes they are a soup, other times the dish is a braise or poach of some sort. For this dish I wanted to do something different. I was not in the mood for a soup or stew. I also wanted to use food I had on hand to avoid a trip to the grocery store. I had Riverence Rainbow Trout on hand. I have prepared their steel head and rainbow in a variety of ways that we have greatly enjoyed. Still, I wanted to do something different. In the theme of fish cooked in tomato sauce, I have previously prepared steel head trout in a bouillabaisse style sauce and in a putanesca style sauce. Thinking about these dishes launched me in the direction of fish in marinara sauce. From there it was a function of deciding on the accompaniments. We have used orzo in a variety...