Food Photography
Food Photography Food photography, recipe development and product utilization are interests of mine. Recently, I was privileged to receive some constructive criticism and suggestions from a Chef. He was kind enough to reach out on his own volition. Thank you Chef! I am trying to incorporate some of his suggestions in my photos. Since many of the photos I take are of our actual meals, it can complicate things. 😀 Still, there is room for growth. The photo below, actually required three different sessions. The first session (dinner time), I forgot that I made some changes to the settings of the camera and absolutely no photos were usable. Thankfully there were some leftovers that I could use the next day. After the leftovers spent the night in the refrigerator, I pulled them out and remade the plate from the previous evening. The second session yielded some nice photos. But, I was not happy with the angles...