"Dagwood Salad"?


Sometimes the best laid plans of men go astray and dinner plans fall apart.  Such is what happened when Friday afternoon chores stretched into Friday night. 

Luckily, I had a few items “laying around” that combined to make a nice dinner.  I am tempted to call this salad a “Dagwood” salad.  It is not quite a chef or cobb salad.  It is not really an antipasto.  Though it does share some characteristics with all three.

The base for the salad was Kalera Krunch.  And yes, the Krunch is real with this lettuce.   

 Other ingredients included thin sliced red onion, sliced sugar snap peas, pepperoncini, kalamata olives, cherry tomatoes, and Julienne carrots.  Toppings included sliced: cucumbers, aloha bell pepper, ham and cheese and a few slices of an aging Asian pear. 

The apple wood smoked ham was made in house.  The cheese was a 2-year-old extra sharp white cheddar that was house smoked with pecan in January 2021.   I am never quite sure what to say on how old the cheese is.  It was two years old when I bought it and it was smoked a year ago.  Does this make it three years old?

Regardless of how we calculate the cheese’s age it is delightful and balanced.  I was afraid the cheese might be overpowering but it worked quite well.  The smoked cheese and ham combined to elevate the salad nicely. 

The salad was dressed with a simple vinaigrette.  Accompaniments included house baked baguette and a slice of house made pate de campagne with pistachio.

Our original dinner plans included the Kalera Krunch.  Those plans will be fulfilled in the future. 

All in all, this salad was a good recovery from plans gone astray!

#LifeTimeLearning #LifeTimeTeaching #FamilyFood #Kalera

As always, your comments or questions are welcome.

Until next time,

Bon Appetit Y’all

Leslie Bartosh


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