Pho with Vegan Egg Roll

Pho with Vegan Eggroll

I have been a fan of well-made soups for quite a while.  Soups are an opportunity for a cook to show their skills. 

Anyone can deep fry.  Most cooks can grill.  Better ones can sauté to the point.  The best ones can make excellent sauces, soups and braises.

Since I am still learning how to cook, I am not sure I belong in the classification of best cooks.  But I have been known to put together a nice soup, every once in a while.

The Pho shown in this picture came about because I had a small amount of leftover flank steak that I wanted to use up.  It was not enough to make a meal.  Not enough to freeze for future use.  It was just right for a bowl of Pho!

I had some very nice gelatinous chicken stock in the freezer.  The stock served as the starting point for this soup.

It was a simple matter of seasoning the stock appropriately and assembling the garnishes.  As much as I enjoy soup, I felt like we needed something crisp for textural contrast.

The vegan egg rolls pictured served the purpose quite well.  They were tasty and crispy. 

I am not a fan of the brand of egg roll skins I used.  They are rectangular in shape and too thick.  Still, they worked well. 

Using them meant that I did not have to go to another grocery store!  It was a conscious decision based on previous experience with the brand and time considerations.

#LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood #Pho #Eggrolls 


As always, your questions or comments are welcome.

Until next time, Bon Appetit Y’all!

Leslie Bartosh


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