
Rainbow Trout with Lemon Beurre Blanc

  Riverence Rainbow Trout; lemon beurre blanc with capers and roasted red bell pepper; farro with roasted pine nuts and sauteed asparagus. Sometimes, going old school is good thing.   This dish was very satisfying. Thank you Riverence for the great fish to work with.   #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood #Riverence #RainbowTrout   As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all. Leslie Bartosh

Not Quite Benedict II

  The latest entry in the “Not Quite Benedict Series”:     Falafel patties, poached eggs, chipotle Hollandaise with roasted bell pepper, pepper threads and sliced homegrown tomato.   The chipotle Hollandaise used Louisiana Pepper Exchange Chipotle pur é e.   The pur é e worked very well in this application.   The sauce held up well against the spice of the falafel.   The poached egg acted as a bridge between the two flavor profiles.   Of course, it should go without saying, this was a very rich breakfast/brunch dish.   I will make this one again! #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood #LouisianaPepperExchange #SpiceOfLife As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all! Leslie Bartosh  

Chicken Confit on Lentils

  Chicken confit with lentils.   Simplistic elegance. Very rich, delightful & very satisfying. Nothing else needed.   Thank you, Diversified Ceramics Corp , for the great dish to use. #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood #DiversifedCeramicsCorp #Confit   As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Leslie Bartosh