
Showing posts with the label Steelhead Trout

Steelhead Trout with Agrumato

  Steelhead trout with agrumato. Broiled Riverence Steelhead trout seasoned with lemon pepper, topped with microgreens and sauced with agrumato; broccoli and cauliflower with mixed grains. The agrumato accented with lemon pepper seasoned steel head quite nicely. Thank you @Riverence for the great fish to use in this dish.   As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all! Chef Leslie Bartosh #SteelheadTrout #USATrout #Agrumato #Riverence

Summetime and the living is easy.

"Summertime and the living is easy.”   Or so goes the song.   As hot as this summer has been, it is nice to have a meal that requires only one pan and is quick to prepare.   I have previously prepared this dish using Steelhead Trout but wanted to make it with tuna.   Tuna is a part of Spanish cuisine and Steelhead trout is not. The tuna loin was simply seasoned with salt and pepper and saut é ed.   The next rendition will use an adobo spice rub from the Extramadura region. Thank you, Riverence for the great tuna to work with. Thank you, Diversified Ceramics for the great bowl to use with this dish. #FamilyFood #Tuna #Gazpacho #SummerMeal #Riverence #DiversifiedCeramics  As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until nest time, Bon Appetit Y'all! Leslie Bartosh

Pesce alla Marinara su Orzo

Pesce alla Marinara su Orzo Many cultures have dishes that revolve around some kind of seafood being cooked in a tomato sauce.   Sometimes the dishes are stews, sometimes they are a soup, other times the dish is a braise or poach of some sort.   For this dish I wanted to do something different.   I was not in the mood for a soup or stew.   I also wanted to use food I had on hand to avoid a trip to the grocery store. I had Riverence Rainbow Trout on hand.   I have prepared their steel head and rainbow in a variety of ways that we have greatly enjoyed.   Still, I wanted to do something different. In the theme of fish cooked in tomato sauce, I have previously prepared steel head trout in a bouillabaisse style sauce and in a putanesca style sauce.   Thinking about these dishes launched me in the direction of fish in marinara sauce.   From there it was a function of deciding on the accompaniments.     We have used orzo in a variety of fish dishes and like it so it seemed a natura