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Braised Steel Head Trout Puttanesca Style

  Normally when we think about braised dishes, we are thinking about ingredients that need a long slow cooking process with moisture.   Like a pot roast, as an example.   But, naturally tender items like a chicken breast or a piece of fish can also be braised successfully.   The cooking process is still same:   sear the item and then finish cooking it in a flavored liquid or in this case sauce. This dish came out a brainstorming session a week ago.   It is the 2 nd of dishes to come out of that session.   I have at least one more similar dish in mind.   They are all influenced by a Middle Eastern fish dish, that I used to make in class.   Normally the term Puttanesca refers to a pasta dish.   It does not have pieces of fish in it.   This dish is attributed to the Naples, Italy.   Naples is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea.   So, the idea of using the sauce to braise a piece of fish seemed to be a good match. Braised Riverence Steelhead trout in a puttanesca style sauce, accompani

Braised Steel Head Trout

  This dish came out a brainstorming session.  The cooking method was influenced by a Middle Eastern fish dish.  Fish is not normally associated with braised dishes.  Regardless of tradition, it worked very well! Riverence Steel Head Trout, braised in a bouillabaisse inspired sauce, on a bed of buttered orzo with chives.   Not the best photo.   The flavors in this dish were simply outstanding.     Thank you, Diversified Ceramics, for the great bowl to use for this dish #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood    As always, your questions or comments are welcome. Until next time, Bon Appetit Y'all Lesliie Bartosh

Sauteed Steel Head Trout on Orzo

  Whatever Wednesday saw this dish show up.   Riverence steel head trout, saut é ed, on a bed of Orzo with a Puttanesca style sauce. Thank you Diversified Ceramics Corporation for the great bowls to work with.  This is a great dish with robust flavors!  #LifeLongLearning #LifeLongTeaching #FamilyFood   

Food Photography

 Food Photography Food photography, recipe development and product utilization are interests of mine.  Recently, I was privileged to receive some constructive criticism and suggestions from a Chef.  He was kind enough to reach out on his own volition.  Thank you Chef!  I am trying to incorporate some of his suggestions in my photos.   Since many of the photos I take are of our actual meals, it can complicate things. 😀  Still, there is room for growth.   The photo below, actually required three different sessions.  The first session (dinner time), I forgot that I made some changes to the settings of the camera and absolutely no photos were usable.  Thankfully there were some leftovers that I could use the next day. After the leftovers spent the night in the refrigerator, I pulled them out and remade the plate from the previous evening.  The second session yielded some nice photos.  But, I was not happy with the angles.  After the session, I broke down the plate and put everything back