
Showing posts with the label Sauerkraut

Roast Pork Loin with Mustard Glaze Redux

  Mustard glazed roast pork loin on a bed of sauerkraut with duchess sweet potato, turnip greens, and pork glace.   I did this basic dish a little over a month ago but wanted to repeat it.   After all, this is a dish that we really like. I also wanted to redo this dish for two other reasons.   One, I wanted to record the recipe for the mustard glaze. Two:   I wanted to plate it restaurant style versus home style like last time.   This time when I made the dish, I included some house made sauerkraut, for the gastronomic fun of it! The Glaze for the roast pork used 3 types of mustard.   It used commercially made Dijon Mustard and two house made mustards.   One was made with black mustard seed and the other with yellow mustard seed.   Both house made mustards are slightly coarse grain and made in the Dijon style.   The other components of the mustard glaze are liquid smoke, whole leaf dried thyme and coarse ground black pepper. It should be noted that the mustard glaze can b

Texas Choucroute Garnie

Welcome to first post of my new blog.  I hope to keep this updated with information about the food I am preparing and eating. I hope you will join me on the diverse journey that is my diet.   So without further ado.......... I am a big fan of house made or home made food of all kinds.  Making cured and fermented foods is especially enjoyable for me.  The plate below is a prime example. Except for growing the vegetables and animals used in this meal, I made all of the items on the plate and in the meal.  When I control what goes into the food I consume, I feel better about it.   The Sauerkraut in this photo was raw before it was cooked for this meal.  It is made up of two ingredients:  Green cabbage and salt.  Sauerkraut is produced through lacto-fermetation.  The bacon was dry cured using the EQ curing process and cold smoked with apple wood pellets for 24 hours and then aged before it is was sliced. The "Ham" and Canadian bacon both used the same formula and cooking process.